Search Results for: guglielmi

Panzer DNA

Panzer DNA German tank book

Panzer DNA by Daniele Guglielmi & Mario Pieri – MIG6035 Panzer DNA tackles the thorny and contentious topic of German World War 2 vehicle colours and markings. The subject is complex and has been addressed by many authors, but usually by dividing it into different areas and not in only one concise book. The authors […]

Panzerwrecks 13 pages 86-89 – location update

Perry Rowe got in touch with an update as to the location of the photos on pages 86-89 of Panzerwrecks 13: Italy 2. Over to you Perry: I was just looking through this again and noticed the caption to the series of pics pp86-89. Daniele Guglielmi has wrongly ascribed these to Salerno in Sept ’43 […]

Panzerwrecks 17, pages 70/71 – more about the Italian armoured car

Daniele Guglielmi got in touch with some extra information about the AB41 armoured car on pages 70 & 71 of Panzerwrecks 17: … are very interesting, not only because they show an Italian AFV in  Normandy, but also because they regard a final production AB41, built in very few samples in the Summer of 1943. In […]

Panzerwrecks 9 P44-45 – Semovente 90/53

Stefano Di Giusto was kind enough to share an exact identification for the M41 90/53 801(i) (Semovente 90/53) on pages 44 &45 of Panzerwrecks 9. We knew that it belonged to 26.Panzer-Division because of the divisional insignia on the gunshield, but did not know which unit within the division. Stefano says: “As Daniele Guglielmi pointed […]

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