Panzer Tracts, by the late Thomas Jentz, Hilary Doyle and (later) Lukas Friedli are considered to be the pinnacle of Panzer research, using only primary source documents written during the war. With many years of painstaking research, each Panzer Tracts book reveals new insights into the development of these armoured vehicles. Every book contains 1/35th and larger scale plans of the vehicles in question, each of these with 100s, sometimes 1000s of hours spent in CAD. With the untimely death of Thomas Jentz in 2012, Lukas Friedli became involved and has taken over part of the writing. Panzerwrecks has enjoyed a close working relationship with the authors over the years, and we look forward to many more years of friendship and cooperation. Lukas Friedli has also published two ‘Repairing the Panzers’ books through Panzerwrecks.