Panzerwrecks 8 P5-7 – Lg.s.F.H.13(Sfl.) auf Lr.S

Pages 5-7 of Panzerwrecks 8 show an intact Lg.s.F.H.13(Sfl.) auf Lr.S as photographed by a Canadian officer. In fact it is so ‘fresh’ that it still has tree branches used for camouflage. The tactical number on the superstructure sides is difficult to make out, but by analysing the top part of the first digit, we concluded it was a number 6, making the tac number ‘615’. It would seem that we were correct, as a photo of the same vehicle appears on the website of the Benedictine University Library, taken by Master Sergeant Aloysius L. Hopkins. Other than the tactical number, the identifiers are the telegraph pole in the background and remainder of that distinctive camouflage pattern on the sides. See for yourself:

Click the image to enlarge or go to the Benedictine University Library website (opens in a new window)

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