Greetings Panzerwreckers.
Days after getting his copy of Panzerwrecks 26, Martin Cavell had some observations. Over to Martin:
Hi Lee. Received PW26 today, thanks. I think it’s a really good one. I really liked the captions that were extended to include more granular details about the battles that the subject vehicles were in. That’s the way to do it!
I noticed a couple of interesting extra details on 3 of the photos.
Page 25: in the top photo I can make out the 3rd digit of the StuG’s tactical number: I can see a ‘2’ so the vehicle is ‘622’.
Page 42: I’d wager the reason the Das Reich div symbol is crudely painted on the side of the SPW is…it’s a route marker. It got disabled, then was used to signpost the following elements of Das Reich.
Page 111: could the camo style be ‘disc’ rather than ‘licht und schatten’? I can see perfect circular discs in a few places: directly left of the driver’s visor is a perfect dark small circle & there looks like 2 dark circles of different sizes above the open brake vent on the left. Then on the frontal folding 25mm plate, the dark patches on the right side & left side have clear circular edges of the middling size. I can also see that less distinctly on the side 25mm plate as well.
I’m certain I can see at least 3 different sized circles in the dark camo in many places, but always the same sized circles. The biggest dark circles can be seen on, eg, the left edge of the side 25mm plate.
My money is on disc style, which makes it even rarer!
Anyway, Thanks for a really good addition to the series!