Greetings Panzerwreckers,
Javier Tome kindly shared some information regarding the rare ‘last steel wheel’ Panther in Panzerwrecks 1 P79 & Panzerwrecks 5 P21. Over to Javier:
The Heimat- und Kulturkreises Vohburg has sent me the following information about the Panther on P79 of Panzer Wrecks 1 and P21 of Panzer Wrecks 5.
“The destroyed panther was standing in front of a large building. I have drawn the position on the sheet of Bavaria atlas. This old building later became a rental block. The roof was thankfully not renewed. Thus, the right side of the roof is exactly identical to the tank picture (chimneys, power pole and spots in the roof). The Panther was then pulled from position 1 to position 2 next to the road (destroyed bridge in the background). It stood there for about 1 year before disappearing. The picture of the apartment block is from around 1959. Today this house no longer exists.
The contemporary witness who had the photo is now 87 years old and played in the destroyed tank as a boy.”

Know something I don’t? Share it with me so I can let everyone know.