Sturmgeschütz III and Sturmhaubitze 42 – availability update

Greeting Panzerwreckers. If you’ve been waiting for Vyacheslav Kozitsyn’s book Sturmgeschütz III and Sturmhaubitze 42, you will no doubt have been frustrated at the seemingly constant delays and pushing back of the publication date. Until now, this had been due to a Russian establishment working at a snail’s pace, and I am pleased to say that […]

Forgotten Archives 1 P204 – Location Update

Greetings Panzerwreckers. Javier Tome touched base over the Christmas/New Year break with a location update for the Panzer IV/70(A) on page 204 of Forgotten Archives 1. Although the photo has been in a few books, it is often cropped so that the surrounding buildings are not seen. Never a big fan of cropping, nearly all the photos […]

Autumn Gale reprint?

Greetings Panzerwreckers. Jack Didden and Maarten Swarts, the chaps behind Kampfgruppe Walther & Panzerbrigade 107, are considering a limited reprint of their classic ‘Autumn Gale’ book, which has been out of print for two years. We already stock the Kampfgruppe Walther & Panzerbrigade 107 book and are considering taking stock of the reprinted Autumn Gale, should they decide […]

Panzerwrecks 21 P21 – Sturmgeschütz IV in Schondorf, or is it?

Top of the morning/afternoon to you Panzerwreckers. Florian Bürger emailed me last week regarding the location of the Sturmgeschütz IV on page 21 of Panzerwrecks. Over to you Florian: Thank you very much for the excellent #21! As always a pleasure reading the book. But the text on page 21 about the location of the […]

Panzerwrecks 21 P70 – a little more information on the Stug ARV & Cromwell

Hola Panzerwreckers. We’ve said before that creating these books would be impossible without the assistance of experts in their field. Sometimes even experts get caught in the Panzerwrecks spam filter, not to be found until the book has been published. A case in point is an email from Jonathan Holt at the Tank Museum Archive […]

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