Dear interested readers of RtP1 First, we need to apologize to Kevin Fish whom we forgot to put in the acknowledgements on page 6 even though he was among the generous donors of photos (see the photos on pages 121-123 marked correctly KF). He is an author himself (Panzer Regiment 8: In World War II […]
Today we received an e-mail from Rudi Schoeters who had some observations about the photos of the StuG IV on pages 24 & 25 of Panzerwrecks 2, over to you Rudi: “P24-25 we see the ko’d StuG IV. take a closer look at the roadwheels and you’ll see a difference between the first 4 wheels […]
No matter how good an original photo is when we first come across it, we always try to make it better during production. You have no idea how much work Lee puts into removing scuffs and stains and tears and tape. (Photos we used in PW8 originally had rusted staples in them, and Lee made […]
We are pleased to announce our first hardcover book, “Repairing the Panzers,” by Lukas Friedli. And what a book it is! All told, it is a massive 256 pages, with close to 300 photos depicting all aspects of maintenance, repair and recovery of German AFVs in exquisite detail. The majority of photos are unpublished, and […]
If the step under the driver’s cab is one of the identifiers of a m.Spruehkw. (Sd.Kfz.11/3), then the vehicles on pages 63, 76 and 84 (first vehicle on rail car) are indeed the m.Spruehkw. (Sd.Kfz.11/3) and not the m.Entg.Kw. (Sd.Kfz.11/2). Note the step appeared on both sides of the vehicle. My apologies for these errors.
I have said it before, and I’ll say it again; sometimes we just cannot fit everything into a Panzerwrecks that we want. Much squabbling and tantrums precedes most Panzerwrecks, but it’s all for the greater good. Here are three images from the report that we could not fit in. The pole or tube that the […]
Recently we were contacted by Eelke Warrink of the Netherlands with some extra information about the label next to the driver’s visors of the Flammpanzer 38.”I recently bought Panzerwrecks 6, and was intrigued by the Flammpanzer interior shot showing a warning placard, on page 66. In the caption, you give the interpretation ‘… teile der […]
Every time I look at the photo on page 33 of Panzerwrecks X I think I am looking at actor Johnny Knoxville of Jackass fame. See for yourself.
Lack of space meant that we could only use one shot of the Sturmgeschütz III on the corner of Invalidebstrasse and Brunnenstrasse. Is it us, or does the German policeman bear more than a passing resemblance to a member of the band Devo? It must be that hat. Seen any other lookalikes in Panzerwrecks? Drop […]
Panzerwrecks X is shaping up as the one Panzerwrecks with the most mis-identifications – so far. David Roy was good enough to notice that the vehicle on Pages 76-77 of PWX is a Sturmhaubitze 42 Ausf G, not a Sturmgeschütz III Ausf G. “On the StuH, the welded mantlet barrel shroud tapers at the end […]