The Red Army on Parade 1917-1945
The Red Army on Parade 1917-1945 is, without doubt, the publisher’s most ambitious project to date. This first volume describes the tanks and armoured vehicles paraded by the Red Army on Red Square from the first anniversary of the Russian Revolution in November 1918 until the end of the war in 1945. From the first captured French and British tanks displayed on Red Square, via the first Soviet KS tank to the T-34, KV and IS tanks, the book describes the first public appearance of all Red Army tanks and military vehicles displayed on Red Square and the background philosophy involved in their development.
This is a high-quality book with excellent image reproduction and useful information.
Book Data
Author: James Kinnear
Language: English
Pages: 256
Photos: 500+
Physical: Hardcover, 285x235mm, portrait
Available: Early February
Did you know?
- For 100 years since the Russian Revolution in 1917, the Soviet Union and now the Russian Federation, has shown its latest tanks and military vehicles on Red Square for domestic and foreign consumption.
- The November 1940 and May 1941 Red Square military parades were deliberately altered so as to not display the latest Soviet tanks to foreign military observers, as the Soviet Union prepared for total war.
- The November 1941 Red Square parade was conducted under the auspices of a military operation rather than a ceremonial parade, at a time when Wehrmacht tanks were within 16 kilometres of the Kremlin. The tanks on parade carried a full ammunition load and were sent directly to the front line after the parade.
- The November 1941 parade was staged twice, once at dawn to avoid potential air attack and a repeat performance in daylight for the press.
- The June 1945 Victory in Europe Parade was one of the largest parades held on Red Square.
- Victory over Japan parades were held in the Soviet Far East in September 1945. These parades featured tanks recently in combat.
About the Author
James Kinnear was born in the UK in 1959. James has researched Russian military hardware following his first visit to the Soviet Union in 1973. Since then he has written hundreds of articles on Soviet and Russian military technology. A Russian speaker, he has studied the subject from within the military-intelligence community and as a civilian author.