Greetings Panzerwreckers
David Šolc has been in touch once again to put a location to a Jagdpanzer in InFocus 1. Over to David:
I have another addition for you. Now it’s about photography on the side number 72 of your Jagdpanzer 38 IN FOCUS 1 book. Same footage you can find in this Deutsche Wochenschau from November 1944:
It was taken during German campaign against Slovak uprising in the second half of October 1944. It is most likely the machines of the WH unit which was subordinate to SS-Kampfgruppe Schill. Next photo of this unit you can find in Dictionnnaire de la Waffen-SS Volume 4 from Heimdal (see attach).

Thanks David!
In Focus 1: Jagdpanzer 38