Panzerwrecks 19 page 60 – location update

Hats off to Janez Čokl for correcting the location of the Jagdpanzer 38 on page 60 of Panzerwrecks 19: Yugoslavia. Over to Janez:

I saw one location mistake in Panzerwrecks 19 (nice work). Photo of Hetzer on page 60 was taken in Celje, not in Maribor. (Google street view linkProbably was the same vehicle as those on page 59. The two locations on both photos are not far away (see attachment).

Got a correction? Know something we don’t? Get in touch.

Want to know more about Jagdpanzer 38s?  Check out In Focus 1: Jagdpanzer 38 Panzerwrecks 19 - Yugoslavia

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